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    Garbage leachate system



    for the processing of waste leachate, using the membrane technology is the best choice.when dealing with landfill leachate, it is need to consider the treatment efficiency and the suitabilty to the water quality and capcity variation, due to the landfill has a closely related to the local area climate ,Hydrological characteristics and filling time.


    • physic-chemical method is with a flexible control conditions and adjustable and reliable parameters, and the biology ways is better and suitable with the continuously variable  Water Quality of Leachate, so with both ways of characteristic. it is better using the tubular MBR to filtering the landfill leachate. 

    the tubular MBR technology has a good Adaptability when dealing with the water quality and capacity variation, it can support a stable operation when the source water quality changed, and its expandability, which makes it easy to increase one or two group of the membrane



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